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Recent storm activity has affected many Local Government Areas within NSW and ACT. This may be impacting on your service’s children, families, and communities.

The Big Situations resource includes links to free and practical resources to support educators to respond to situations such as this. When educators feel prepared to respond to big situations, they are more able to remain inclusive of all children and deliver a quality program. We encourage you to access our Natural Disasters or Critical Incidents pages, or please contact your Inclusion Professional if you would like support.

Enhancing inclusion through the support of Specialist Equipment

1 November 2019

Embedding inclusion into our daily program is crucial to give children a sense of agency and belonging. Belonging is critical to inclusion, in fact it is argued in the Early Years Learning Framework that a sense of belonging is “integral to human existence” (DEEWR, 2009. P7). For this reason, we are always thinking about, and experimenting with, different ways to incorporate items from the Specialist Equipment Library into the everyday routines of the children.

Archie responds so enthusiastically to music, singing and dancing. He can be seen repeating the actions to his favourite songs and using the musical instruments to express himself. The ‘monkey stand’ reinforces Archie’s leg strength, but also allows Archie to stand with confidence with the rest of the children whilst participating in music and movement. It gives Archie the confidence to seek out and accept new challenges, make new discoveries, and celebrate his own efforts and achievements and those of others in the group.

The Australian Government funded NSW/ACT Inclusion Agency is managed by KU Children’s Services, in partnership with Include Me and Gowrie NSW.