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Recent storm activity has affected many Local Government Areas within NSW and ACT. This may be impacting on your service’s children, families, and communities.

The Big Situations resource includes links to free and practical resources to support educators to respond to situations such as this. When educators feel prepared to respond to big situations, they are more able to remain inclusive of all children and deliver a quality program. We encourage you to access our Natural Disasters or Critical Incidents pages, or please contact your Inclusion Professional if you would like support.

The Inclusion Support Program aims to build the capacity and capability of educators to address participation barriers for all children through implementing quality inclusive practices.

The NSW/ACT Inclusion Agency (IA) is part of the Inclusion Support Program (ISP) and is managed by KU Children’s Services, in partnership with Include Me and Gowrie NSW.

Understanding Inclusion

“Inclusion is an important ‘big idea’ but it is also a hands on, every day, very practical process that is lived out moment by moment.” - Dr Kathy Cologan (2021)

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Specialist Equipment Library

The Specialist Equipment Library (SEL) provides eligible early childhood education and care services with access to a range of resources, free of charge, to increase their capacity and capability to provide quality inclusive practices and address participation barriers.

Big Situations

This resource aims to support educators to include all children while responding to, and supporting recovery from, events that impact on the lives of children, families and communities

Big Situations Icon Collage V2 alphabetical
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Inclusion Together

This resource supports educators, families and ECI professionals to work better, together

Children's Voices Project

Listening to children’s voices can inform educators’ reflection and planning both in their everyday work with children and when addressing broader issues of social justice and equity.

Childrens voices booklet